Thread: KEY THAT......
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Old August 26th 05, 05:01 PM
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a

Hello Who Dat?:

Easy for you to say that. You probably don't have a large card board box
filled with burned up Gamma Matches (one I suspect it to be a bullet
hole), fiberglass bottom assemblies that look like lightening hit them,
coax with holes in it, SO-239 connectors arced over, Aluminum Tubing
that will fall apart from your fist, Molten Aluminum drops looks like
solder that hit the floor, roofing material that got too hot from what I
don't know?, Copper wire that was once the driven element to a quad now
in melted pieces, and massive stories of why expensive tubes get fried.

And many other type of antennas that have caught fire from way too much
fire in the wire Hehehehehe.

Important safety tip: Know the you systems capabilities before droppin
the Maul and gettin em all!

Jay in the Mojave

Rock n Roll fan
CB Radio Operator, also like ham, shortwave, and keep an ear on the scanner.
Owner 1966 Ford F250 4x4 Truck, Hi Po 460, twice exhaust, no smog stuff,
has worlds loudest PA System, great for oldie but goodie night at local
drive in restraunt.
Member Mojave Desert Radio Association, cost 9 bucks, but didn't get
change back from a 10 spot!?
Still studying morse code (beeps and dots)for ham radio lic.
5 Kollage credits, 3 for passing, and 2 for leaving early.

Who Dat? wrote:

BIG OLE LINEAR BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!