In your title or description did you say something like "not zenith
transoceanic", or "not like zenith transoceanic"? If so, that is keyword
spaming so that when someone searches on zenith transoceanic they get a
hit on your set which is not a zenith T/O, which is pretty sneaky at
best. As far as the paypal thing, how would you like it if every time
you use your visa or mastercard the merchant adds the credit card
percentage he pays to the price of the product. Bet you would really
scream. Ebay makes it very plain in their rules about the above
infractions so you really have no reason to cry. Why should the merchant
be gouged for having a convient way for you to pay?
Brian Hill wrote:
Ebay is strange. They pulled my auction because I refered to my
Hallicrafters World Wide as being like the Zenith TOs. They called it Search
manipulation and also I stated in my auction that Pay Pal Pymts must include
their transaction fee which is 2.9 percent+ $0.30 USD and they said:
Pay Pal Pymts must include their transaction fee which is 2.9 percent+ $0.30
The above text is a reference to an additional charge for bidders who pay by
credit card or a separate payment processing service. This surcharge, which
is an added cost to the buyer over and above the final sale price and
reasonable shipping and handling costs, is not permitted on eBay.
Additional charges that are an added cost to the bidder over and above the
final sale price are not permitted by eBay. Currently, the only fees that
may be added to the final price of an eBay item are reasonable shipping and
handling fees, escrow service fees, and certain currency exchange fees.
More information about these fees can be found at the bottom of the eBay
listing policies page:
I don't see why I have to be gouged twice by Ebay and PayPal for offering a
conveinant way to pay. Gezz only they can charge for everthing I guess? Like
buyers can't read and make up there own mind.