Thread: dx400
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Old August 27th 05, 01:37 AM
Joe Analssandrini
Posts: n/a

Dear Tom,

One other very important characteristic I forgot to mention is the fact
that batteries seem to have "grown" in size since 1983. When you put
the C batteries in the (hidden) battery compartment, it becomes
somewhat difficult to remove them, especially the last one of the six
C-cells. (This was not the case in 1983; the batteries just slid out
easily at that time.)

I use a curved dental pick to reach into the compartment to get that
last battery out.

I also want to mention that the radio really benefits from an external
antenna. Its whip, while adequate for casual listening or for travel,
is not suitable for true DXing. (Be VERY careful with that whip; you
can't replace it. I was able to "fix" mine, which became loose and
"flopped" over, by taking it apart and replacing the washers, which I
found at a local hardware store. The "fixing" was accompanied by some
colorful language. I'm glad, however, that I was able to do this as
there appears to be no replacement whip available.)

Again, the best of luck.
