"Pete & Renee Davis" wrote in message
I've been lurking on the group for a while. I'm a newbie who barely
knows an volt from an ohm so far, but I came across a Clemens SG83 at a
flea market this weekend. Not having a clue what it was, I wrote down
the name and did a Google search when I got home. surpussales.com has
the manual and it's a signal generator. It has a Bogen PRS 16 power
supply and no leads.
Can anyone tell me if this is a worthwhile piece of test equipment? How
hard would it be to find compatible leads? How can I tell if it's
working properly? What else should I know about this rig before I go
back up there next weekend with 25 bucks and high hopes that no one else
knew what it was, either?
Any advice will be welcomed.
Pete Davis
Grab it! It is a very nice signal generator, all solid state! I have two.
Sold my third to the other gent who posted!