The dimmers can be a problem. THey used to be terrible, but some are
quieter now. With the HF noise floor varying with time of day, etc -
you could raise the noise floor somewhat, and might not notice it for a
while. Some of the screw-in flourescent converters have oscillators
near LF, VLF band. These can be bad too... How about under cabinet and
overhead florescents? They use considerably less power than halogen
too.. With anything you consider..i'd run some tests with the same
model he plans to install at close quarters to your rig. Wrap a wire
around the bulb or tube..and connect to the receiver antenna.. Turn the
light on and off... Hear anything??
Kevin Gunther wrote:
If this is the wrong group for this question, please excuse me.
I am going to have a kitchen rebuilt, and the contractor is suggesting six
overhead halogen lights. He also has suggested halogen under cabinet
lights. All of these lights would have dimmers installed.
My question..Has anyone ever had these put in, and do they generate much
interference. I know I have a halogen light near my rig and it generates
lots of hash, but the shack is on the third floor and the kitchen on the
first. Any ideas about the QRM?