Thread: Airport Freq.
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Old August 30th 05, 02:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Okay, now that my blood pressure has leveled off and I have realized that
Brad definitely IS the always right / last word types, I would like to thank
all of you that have offered suggestions and help IN A CIVIL manner.
Anyway, I laughed brad off by telling my wife I was going to start a NG

I guess in reality, I took it to far by letting this get to me.

Thanks again,
"Glenan" wrote in message
Hi all:

I just purchased my first scanner in hopes of getting into a new hobby.
With this in mind, I will apologize in advance if some of my questions
seem "elementary"

I am also interested in aviation but cannot seem to locate a good listing
of airport frequencies. I am assuming that airports all operate on one
specific frequency for a great deal of their communications with the
aircraft. Could someone please give me these frequencies or direct me to
a website where I could get them?

Also, I have been told that purchasing a frequency "guide" would be a
waste of my money. Could I please have your opinion that would include a
good source of frequencies?

I live in South Florida, Broward county to be exact, and would also be
interested in a local "club".

Thank you in advance fir any help you may be able to give me.