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Old August 31st 05, 04:14 AM
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"Michael" wrote in message

I've had a few days to get used to my new PCR-1000. Today, I took it off
the indoor telescopic antenna it came with and I now have it hooked to my
two outdoor antennas. They are a G5RV on the roof and a 200' random wire.
I've got an antenna switch to go between the two antennas. I've found
that my 200' roof wire makes a good antenna for VHF/UHF frequencies. It
picking things up on VHF/UHF considerably better then the telescopic whip
that it came with. I have also been able to hear NOAA satellites with my
roof wire. I haven't decoded any weather map images yet, but I'm going to
try that soon. I've also installed TalkPRC software on my computer and
I've found it to be a very good ap for scanning. I'd almost call in 100 %
necessary to have if you want to use it like a scanner.

On the down side. For shortwave listening, the PCR-1000 really overload
now that I have my two roof antennas hooked up to it. I've been listening
tonight from 5.000 to 7.500 and the radio has intermod just about every
place that there are two strong signals close to each other. I have to
use the attenuator all the time. No way is the PCR-1000 as good as my
R-75 for sw listening. I normally use the two roof antennas with my R-75
and it never shows a hint of the overload that the PCR-1000 does. I'm
also having some problems with PC monitor causing interference when
listening on the shortwave bands. Even if I change the refresh rate, the
monitor is causing problems. I have the radio about five feet away from
the PCR-1000 and that isn't good enough to avoid problems. Above
frequencies of 20.000 there is no problems with that though.

Also.. I've tried without success to get the free Bonito software that the
PCR-1000 came with to work. I think it is too quirky to be useful.

So far, I'd say that it is a great VHF/UHF receiver, but for shortwave it
has limitations.


Location: New Jersey
Primary Receiver: R-75 with full Kiwa mods
Antennas: G5RV, 200ft "Frankenstein" roof wire
Additional Radios: 7600GR,KA-1101,KA-1102
PL-550, KA-989, Info-Mate 837, GE-SR III
Westinghouse H-104 (seven tube)
Web Site:

Finally... I have been able to get the Bonito RadioCom 4.5 working. I
emailed their tech support and they suggested a new install procedure that
fixed the problem.
