In article a92yc.33384$tI2.32808@fed1read07,
Keyboard In The Noise Don't bother wrote:
W0YI is considered a 1x2 call
Yup, there are a a fair bunch of those out in Central Iowa. The "Amateur
Radio Society" in Des Moines has W0AK (one of the few I still remember,
having been away from that locale for 25 years). There was one guy out
there that got freakishly lucky with his initial callsign assignment, and
got a 1x3 where the suffix was his initials. In the days before you could
request a particular callsign, 'if available'.
You are correct at one time the Y suffix was for schools colleges and
universities -- some are still extant today
I dunno about _that_. grin
I used to know callsigns for a grand total of _two_ University
ham stations. Iowa State, and Northwestern University (W9BGX).
Not enough data to draw any intelligent conclusions from. grin
Just did a little rummaging Here's some other 1x2 'Y' university
'Y' callsigns:
University of Wisconsin W9YT
University of Illinois Synton Amateur Radio Club W9YH
University of Minnesota W0YC
And, last but not least, a non-Y one that _has_ to be way up on the list of
'confusing' call-signs.
University of Iowa Amateur Radio Club W0IO