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Old June 11th 04, 05:42 PM
Andy Cowley
Posts: n/a

Brian Hill wrote:

I'm going with it. I can see it isn't popular. I was just looking at it like

Lets say a $50 radio okay and the total cost. This is just a quick guess.

So the buyer gives me $50
-Pay Pal 2.9 %+.30c=$48.25
- packing materiels $8=$40.25
- Ebay list fees $2.50=$37.75
then final value fee( say -$2)= $35.75
Then time packing and driving to the PO+Gas-$5=$30.75
and the radio is still worth $50

I guess you could charge shipping and handling? Thats withing Ebay guide
lines. I never charge for packing materiel and they are expensive or at the
least take time and money to find. And Bill you know what it takes to
properly pack a radio. So how would you go about handling cost?

The bidder thought it was worth $50 plus P&P. That's what he offered
and what you accepted. The fact you live miles from the PO and drive
a gas guzzler and have to pay E-bay, PayPal & co. and are not much
good a scrounging packing is not the buyers problem. If you think
the radio or whatever is not worth selling at $50 (you get $30) then
you should have put a higher reserve on it. E-bay rules are clear and
fair. You know what you're getting into. If you don't want to sell at
the price bid then don't offer to. Your error is in thinking that you
are going to make a profit of the final bid price. For sure the buyer
didn't bid you an extra $20 for fees and stuff. And don't tell us you
never had an item go 2 or 3 times what you thought you'd get. Would
you offer the buyer a refund because of that? Thought not.

The buyer pays, E-bay gets some, PayPal gets some, USPS gets some,
IRS gets some, you get what's left. That's how it works. You could
certainly add something for packing and handling but you should
really put that up-front in the item description. You know in
advance what it will cost you to pack. Then add shipping at cost.
Something like "Packing and Handling $10.00. Shipping at cost by
USPS/UPS/etc." You really have to let the buyer know what he's
getting into and stick to E-bay's rules is all.


Andy, M1EBV