Thread: Pro-34 opinions
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Old September 1st 05, 03:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Buzzygirl wrote:

Heh, don't worry. I haven't gone out to buy an adaptor for the ol' girl

I'm fairly impressed by the performance of this older scanner. I live
in a
populous metropolitan area, made up of two fairly large cities
and St. Paul) and many smaller cities (grand total of the Twin Towns
their 'burbs is almost 3 million now). Hennepin County (the most
county in the state, which includes the city of Minneapolis) is using
trunked radio, but I've heard nothing terribly interesting coming out
there so far on my Pro-95. The St. Paul Police Department is still
using UHF
and the local state patrol car-to-base is using VHF. Lots of action
just those two entities.

So, having used it for a few nights now, I can say that the Pro-34
quite well, and picks up everything my Pro-95 and Pro-83 picks up, even
its stock antenna.

I dunno... I may keep it, or I may sell it, but probably not on eBay. I
don't have a seller's account there, and don't really care to set one
just to sell one item.

First sorry is two very similar messages show up. Yahoo barfed on
my first post attempt.

You might consider starting a "bug out bag". If some local event,
like a train wreck with a hazmat leak, force you to evacuate your
home it is nice to be able to evesdrop on what is happening.

I have my old PR034, a Sangen ATS909, a really ancient IC-2AT
(Ham HT), and other usefull items, in a water proof bag ready to
"deploy". While I have no expectations of a Katrina like event,
it never hurts to be prepared. From my personal experience
you aren't going to get very much out old scanners/receivers,
so for me, it makes more sense to keep them for backups,
or for real emergencies. I don't keep batteries in the bag,
they are kept in the fridge in an air tight container and changed
out every other year.

Oh, keep a list of usefull(!!current!!) freqs.
