Profit Stair pontificating live on New Orleans
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September 1st 05, 01:05 AM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a
JayCee wrote:
Oh Please! us more about stair's Arrestment.
I don't remember the details, just remember hearing it on Glenn's show,
back around 2001-2002 or so. Maybe somebody else here knows more
details. I do remember that it involved some alleged shenanigans with an
older married woman who was one of his followers. If I remember right
these were just allegations at that time. So maybe he did something
maybe he didn't , but it wouldn't surprise me at all if old brother
stair is a hypocrite who doesn't practice what he preaches.
They were underage girls.
Here's a link I found with a quick google search - I'm sure you could
find more details if you're interested.
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