In 1930 there were only nine call areas -- W10 appears over and over again
in the early TV call sign issues as portable.
X was back then experimental only
The original poster sed his dad worked for RCA and conducted early
television experiments in NYC and had a call plate of wood W10XEG - hence
his question of the significance of the call.
So I jumped with all four feet on that conclusion -- perhaps you have
better one
Love to hear it as well as the original inquirer who is not on the
I undertook all this as a matter of sherlocking the W10 prefix, I get
intrigued with historical puzzles such as that.
And learned something in the process
The Shadowy Keyboard
The Shadow Knows
"Dbowey" wrote in message
Shadow posted: "So from all this one can asume that W10XEG was a portable
experimental station -- probably for early TV"
Why would you jump to this conclusion? The FCC issued station licenses
many purposes.