Thread: Pro-34 opinions
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Old September 1st 05, 02:52 PM
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Buzzygirl wrote:

Excellent ideas; thanks for the reminder. I've been telling myself that
need to set up a "go" bag for some time now.

I have enough radio-related items to fill a bug-out bag, and then some.
I really need is to get a decent waterproof backpack and put the stuff
have into it. Need to buy some more batteries though; lots more
Perhaps a portable power supply as well.

We don't have any seismic or even many weather-related emergencies
where I
live, but I do live one block east of a busy railroad track, and who
what those cars are carrying besides multiple graffiti tags.

The Pro-34 looks kinda bride-of-Frankensteinish compared to my other
Cool in a retro way, but not as cool as the 1930's Philco cathedral
that's also next to me. I like the juxtaposition of these two
one on either side of me as I'm typing this. :-)

If you can stand the Ot political BS,
can be a usefull, though frustrating NG.

Whne cooler weahter gets here I am going to put a R390 into service.
The waste heat will be usefull, and my wife's cat loves the heated top.

My first SWs, a Zenith and a Heath GR64, are so deaf compared to
anyh o fmy modern SW, even when compared to the Grundig "emergency"
FR200, that I really ought to toss them. But like my first decent CB
HT, a
Midland 13-110H 2Ch (100mW!), I just can't bring myself to gfet rid of
Too many memories. While school taught me some things, trying to get a
"better" antenna, to listen and talk further really did me a favour and
got me
started in electronics.
