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Old June 16th 04, 04:08 AM
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Default Heath Apache Help !!

I'm restoring a Heath TX-1 Apache. Everything is working great
except.... on CW there are occassional little frequency jumps up to
about 50 HZ. The frequency always returns quickly to the normal
freq. In a constant key down condition the frequency is very stable.
It only shifts with keying and seem to be worse at higher speeds.

The shift can be heard in a monitoring receiver even in standby mode
when the final is not loading down the power supply. ( and all filters
have been replaced anyway ). I have gone through the VFO cleaning up
bad solder connections and tightening grounds. The VFO tube has been
replaced ( as have the buffer / xtl osc and driver.

Aside from the little jumps, the VFO is extremely stable. I had some
chirp, but it cleared up with the 6AU6 VFO tube replacement.

Any ideas anyone???? Please e-mail to :