September 2nd 05, 04:30 PM
k wrote:
If you or your ancestors were 'anywhere' in Europe in WWII, we sure as
hell did help you, dip****!
"Polymath" wrote in message
: Your challenge is rather silly and infantile.
: Perhaps it is indicative of the malaise that
: preposseses Yankland when Yankland visits the
: same style of destruction on the innocent
: citizenry of the World?
: You did not help me during WWII.
: I am not showing "utter disregard for the suffering
: of the people". Far from it, but your self-obsession
: and the self-obsession of Yankland might lead you
: to think so.
: Fred W4JLE wrote:
: With all do respect, may I entice you to have an auto-erotic
: If we had not helped you during WW2, I would not be reading your
trash as I
: do not understand German.
: Regardless of your politics, to show such utter disregard for the
: of the people is indicative of your anti US stance as opposed to
: concern for humanity of any stripe.
: But were you not a rabid mouth breather, you would know that.
: "Polymath" wrote in message
: ups.com...
: What a lot of fuss about _NOTHING_ from you Yanks!
: What has happened down south is exactly what you have
: been meting out to the citizenry of Yugoslavia, of
: Afghanistan and latterly of Iraq - the destruction
: of the civilain infrastructure.
: It's normal Yankland experience!
: Serves you right for your illegal invasion of Iraq!
: Fred W4JLE wrote:
: We all watched in amazement as New Orleans was relagated to the
: Age.
: All the wizz bang technology fell on it's hind parts. No cell
phones, no
: internet, no echo link, no communications.
Lett`s all get along shall we, there is enough **** and crap going on in
this world.