Surely, even though the scanners you mention can receive digital signals,
broadcasters such as the police would still be unintelligible ??. I hope so,
after the amount of money the local police force have spent on encrypted
airwave radios !!
PS Are the 'digital' frequencies you mention still within the 0-1300MHz band
scope ??
"Al Klein" wrote in message
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 22:20:05 +0100, "Andy100" said in
I found this on e-bay, saying it can pick up all new digital phones,
police radio etc, but surely it's a scam isn't it ???
It just claims to be a digital scanner - it doesn't say anything about
picking up digital phones. Of course it also claims to be UHF and go
*up to* 47.999999 MHz - 47 isn't UHF, and there's no channel on that
frequency (there are no countries that operate on 1 Hz
channelization). So, although the digital claim may not be phony, the
rest of it is as phony as a 33-1/3 cent bill.
I thought the new police radio's codes were uncrackable !
Encryption is practically unbreakable. (It's breakable, but do you
really want to spend a million dollars for the computer to do it and
wait 5 years for the results? The key changes faster than that.) But
there are many *real* scanners on the market today that receive
digital signals - Radio Shack Pro-96, Uniden 296, Uniden 396, etc.