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  #10   Report Post  
Old September 4th 05, 05:26 AM
Posts: n/a

I went to the wal mart supercenter store (there are about eight wal mart
stores around here and they are all wal mart supercenter stores) food
department yesterday.The MurphyUSA gas station was sold out of gas and
there was a block long line of fools waiting for the gas station to
open.Those fools are fools,they still think there is some kind of a gas
emergency or something and they better tank up while they can.I have
almost a half a tank of gas in my car (the gas gage needle is about the
thickness of a pencil lead on the low side of the gas gage) and I can
easily stretch it out for at least two more months or four more months
if I ease off of going to the Goodwill store six days every week.A guy
in New Orleans put 80 gallons of gas in his truck last night.When he
checked his gas gage today,it was bone dry.Somebody had siphoned/stole
his gas.