Ron, KC4YOY wrote:
I'm looking for a vintage tube type amp for 6 meters.
Maybe a Afterburner or something similar.
Needs to take a fairly low drive input power,
10 watts or less.
I plan to use it with my Hallicrafters SR-46 6 meter
AM rig and my HeathKit Sixer LunchBox.
Anybody got anything that will work that they'd
like to get rid of?
Fair Radio always has goofy Army amps for VHF-LO field radio systems,
which will almost all cover 6M (and some of which will cover 10M). Nobody
seems to want them, especially the airborne ones with 400 Hz transformers
which will work nicely on the ground with an outboard power supply.
Note that not all of them are linear... some of them are fine for FM
with a tuned output stage but are going to be no use at all on AM.
I suppose they could be rebiased at the expense of output level, but
then you're talking turning it into a very different amp.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."