Thread: xts cables
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Old September 5th 05, 06:35 AM
Posts: n/a

Yes Virginia, there is a USB clause.... LOL.
Newer Jedi and most all Waris radios use windows-based CPS, not DOS-based
RSS, so an XP computer for programming anything from an M1225 to Saber/Astro
or XTS radio will be fine.
It's all heading USB as we speak... we already have USB actually, and even a
PDA programming setup as it is. Where people run into trouble is trying to
use a USB/Serial interface cable to the serial RIB cable. As they say;
"something is lost in the translation..."

As for the ribless cable, I hear it isn't necessary if you own a smart-rib,
but ribless is all I've ever seen anyone have. For the XTS3000, use the
HT1000 cable and rib, but for the 5000, I do believe it must be the serial
or USB ribless cable [or a clone].
You can grab an aftermarket ribless cable he for $75.
[Beats $225 from Mother M].
I buy most of my cables and stuff from kawamall or ebay user Panter88. Both
are great quality cables, factory made.
Not affililiated, just a happy customer.

"webmedics" wrote in message
Hey, I don't think there is such a thing. I've only seen serial to XTS.
In fact, I'm surprised that there are ribless cables, but even those
are connected to serial ports. I'm not sure if you're aware, but any
computer new enough (or fast enough) to have a USB port is likely to be
way to fast for programming those radios.

But if I'm wrong, please be sure to forward the schematics for the USB
to XTS programming cable.

You might look at as well. Most of the resources I ever
need are there.