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Old September 5th 05, 03:43 PM
Paul W. Schleck
Posts: n/a

In . com "an old friend" writes:

Dave Heil wrote:
From: Carl R. Stevenson on Aug 30, 5:53 pm


"...and INSULTING each and every person who contradicts him or just
expresses an opposing viewpoint. NOT a good image."

--Len Anderson

Sometimes you even snap and snarl at those who share your goals, Len.

sometimes he does as is his right. I am sure he will even agree you
have the right to snap and snarl at everyone who disgrees with you

but you missed the point(s) as usaul

Amoug them being

Your snap at everyone, your right but not a good image.

Len does reserve to right to snapp at folks too, event hose he shares
goals with

Len may have the "right" to do a lot of things, but if he truly wants to
"win friends and influence people" in this debate, and leave a personal
legacy other than that of a Usenet "kook," he might want to take stock
of who are his allies and who are his enemies. And even enemies can
become allies on some issues. Recently, Len insisted that he only posts
facts and truth, and challenged me to find examples otherwise. When I
did, finding several recent errors and subjective interpretations,
rather than acknowledge or rebut them, he chose to change the subject
and accuse me of being a hanging "judge" for daring to criticize. Len
also seems to feel he is entitled to unlimited public revenge against
those who have slighted him, and will lash out reflexively, and Serdar
Argic style, whenever anyone posts with certain "hot-button" keywords
like Morse Code. Serdar accused anyone who disagreed with him as
"criminal Armenian," even those who were ethnic Japanese. Similarly, I
wonder if invectives like "Macho Morsemen" are aimed at Kim and Dee Dee,

When I pointed out areas of agreement, including one example where I was
the only one to side with him in this forum, he replied with, "I don't
give a flying fig about your 'position.'"

I also wonder why most of those that try to defend Len choose to post
anonymously. I have agreed with Len on some issues, and have posted
with my real name. One red flag that someone is being tuned out is the
number of likely sock puppets that start to orbit around him.

Indeed you miss out on the fact the Nocoders do disagree amoug
ourselfs, and we are free to to do so, a sign of the greater freedom
espoused by the NoCoders

I'm happy to debate with anyone on any subject, and though I may
disagree, I will treat that person respectfully, even going so far as to
separate behavior from personality. There's a difference between honest
debate and sniping, insults, and ad-hominem attacks. It's also useful
to clarify and make understandable your position by indicating whom you
may agree with, rather than solipsistically dismissing any worldview
other than your own with, "I don't give a flying fig about your

but then you never seem to get the point, and indeed seem to prefer
volumes on evasion rather than answer a few simple questions

Dave K8MN

My comments on this docket are forthcoming. No evasion or avoidance of
simple questions are planned.

73, Paul W. Schleck, K3FU
Finger for PGP Public Key