an Old friend wrote:
Paul W. Schleck wrote:
In . com "an old friend" writes:
Dave Heil wrote:
From: Carl R. Stevenson on Aug 30, 5:53 pm
"...and INSULTING each and every person who contradicts him or just
expresses an opposing viewpoint. NOT a good image."
--Len Anderson
Sometimes you even snap and snarl at those who share your goals, Len.
sometimes he does as is his right. I am sure he will even agree you
have the right to snap and snarl at everyone who disgrees with you
but you missed the point(s) as usaul
Amoug them being
Your snap at everyone, your right but not a good image.
Len does reserve to right to snapp at folks too, event hose he shares
goals with
Len may have the "right" to do a lot of things, but if he truly wants to
"win friends and influence people" in this debate, and leave a personal
legacy other than that of a Usenet "kook," he might want to take stock
again missing the point
I'm sorry that you missed the point. Perhaps it'll come to you after a
Dave K8MN