On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 21:42:37 -0700, "Dan"
+Now would be a great time for Bush to make a executive order to suspend all
+federal fuel tax and start drilling off shore here in Ca and start in
+This would really help stop this crazy ness.
+The answer Cleary is supply side. This is America fuel should and could be
+under 1.00 a gallon if we can get the politicians out of it.
I would not hold y our breath in hopes of seeing under $1 per gallon
gas here in the US. Those days are long gone. Besides there is and has
been insufficient oil resereves in the ground for the US. US usage of
oil and oil products is so massive that we are forced to import either
crude oil or refined oil products.
Even if you pump the coast of California, Florida and Alaska, There is
not enough oil in those fields to make the US self suffiecient beyound
about 2020. After that the US oil reserves will be down to about 1 to
3 million barrels per day. 2002 projections are the US has about 32
billion barrels of proven reserves. Estimates that these reserves
could grow 73 billion barrles and there is estimates of 83 billion
barrels undiscovered. We are useing about 17 billion barrels of oil
per yr and expected to grow to 25 billion barrels by the end of 2025.
We can not drill enough oil to keep the US self sufficient for not
more than 8 to 10 yrs. After that we will have to buy 100% of our
refined oil products abroad. Tapping our reserves is only going to
prolong the inevitable. So as long as the US wants to buy $1 per
gallon gas and thinks it can for ever are just fooling themselfs.
Figure about 2020 time frame paying closer $20 per gallon, if not