Thread: WTB: Clegg Zeus
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Old June 30th 04, 05:25 PM
Posts: n/a


How about if we assume that I am not a troll!

Goggle definition of troll:

"An outrageous message posted to a newsgroup or mailing list or message
board to bait people to answer. Trolling is a form of harassment that can
take over a discussion. Well meaning defenders can create chaos by
responding to trolls. The best response is to ignore it. Also, the person
who posts such messages."

Was I outrageous?

Sorry if my small post was a problem to everyone. I am just looking for a
particular vintage VHF transmitter. I had one as a kid and I wish that I
still had it. What better place to make a simple inquiry? You never know
untill you ask.



"Dale Parfitt" wrote in message

wrote in message
"kram" wrote in message

Preferably in California due to weight.


What is a Clegg Zeus? is that Ham radio or what?W4PQW

Let's assume this is a troll.