Thread: WTB: Clegg Zeus
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Old June 30th 04, 06:20 PM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

"kram" ) writes:

How about if we assume that I am not a troll!

You misread his post. He was replying to the post by someone else asking
what a Zeus is. He took that poster for a troll.

That other post did show a certain ignorance, certainly suggesting he doesn't
know what this newsgroup is about.

On the other hand, when people treat this as a buy and sell newsgroup, rather
than a newsgroup to discuss these old rigs, it does nothing to eductate such
people about the old rigs. The stuff I deleted from your post, about how
you had a Zeus as a kid is intriguing, because while I came along about
a decade or so after it was produced, it always struck me as something the
average kid would only lust after, rather than own.

Michael VE2BVW