"Thierry" - wrote in message ...
In order to update an article about QSLing, I would like to know from
DX chasers :
- after how many months or years you have got a return rate of your DX
of 10%, then 50%
- What is the maximum return rate you got and after how many times?
- What is the maximum return rate for domestic QSL (usa) or for countries
closer than 5000 km ?
If there are SWLs on this forum, I 'd like also that they tell me when did
they get a return rate of their QSLs of 10% and of 50% (if they reached
otherwise the maximum percentage of return and after how many years..
Some licensed speak of only 10% of return...!? I must be in disagreement
based on my own experience and the one of some other addicts, we have got
return rate of about 15% after 2 years and about 75% after 5 years, of
course QSLing via bureau (and most stn logged receive a QSL) and not using
very convoited prefix or call sign.
NB. Note that currently LoTW does not exceed a confirmation rate of 10%,
Thanks in advance
Thierry, ON4SKY
Hi Thierry,
I'll likely get a good natured verbal jab or two for this, but here it
I always send my DX QSLs out with a self-addressed airmail envelope and two
grren stamps. While I'm hardly a hard-core DXer, I feel safe in putting my
return rate at approx. 70%.
Hpe c u ota.
Vy 73 de Bert
FISTS #9384/CC #1736
QRP ARCI #11782