Thread: Four long days
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Old September 6th 05, 02:58 AM
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The Magnum wrote:
"TNT" wrote in message

TIA Daily -- September 2, 2005

By Robert Tracinski

Do you know, that was the most "apt" and "reasonable" piece i have read
about the situation down in NO. I know there are some poor hapless people
who had no means to evacuate the city when the warnings came and some
probably just didnt believe it was going to be as severe as it was but my
god, do these people need to have everything spelled out in black and white
to warn them whats going to happen and need to be shown the best course of
action. The intelligent people got out. The "criminal" element could have
stolen cars and quite easily driven their familys out of danger.

after numerous car jackings i guess the pricks realized they could'nt
get anywhere with the streets being flooded.

The way a civilised society pulls together as you explained is true and cant
be blamed on anything else to pass the buck. Civilised people in times of
crisis pull together and help out anyone no matter what their race or creed.
There is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for the terrible things that are
happening to people in NO. A terrible situation made 100 times worse by the
scumbag criminal element and the apathy of some people who expect everything
to be done for them.

One thing suprises me though. Why was New Orleans built on land that was
under sea level?? Did no-one stop to think maybe it wasnt the best place to
build a sprawling city... The size the USA is surely there were much more
sensible places to build on. The land could have possibly been used for
farming or the like, where a natural"ish" disaster like this wouldnt have
had the devistating effect it has.. maybe theres a reason im not aware of
but would love to know the reason why...

think about it, where would a government put an export/import port on
the biggest river in north america but at its mouth.

Still as they say, hindsight is a very handy tool

NO isn't going to die. after the government pours in countless millions
and the army corp of enginnering does its thing the city will be better
off. that is if the corrupt city admin is booted...