Thread: PING:DLT
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Old September 6th 05, 01:16 AM
Posts: n/a
Default PING:DLT

DLT we know who you are.
We have backtracked you through the hacked PCS.
While I am not a net warrior I have friends who are

You a
Daniel - Taylor
31 years old.
You live in
167# Ma* Street

The last 4 digits of the 2nd line you used for a dailup
access(dailup how lame) are XXX-2751.

The first 2 digits of the middle 4 of your SSN are 34

Shall I go on?
Hint:Breaking into a state computer network was really dumb
and a major crime. Very uncool.

Your dime.

And the clock is really ticking fast.
