I cant understand how Americans can survive without a decent Social
Security System
We have a very healthy economy
a very significant surplus which can sustain the social program.
In the US There are five major categories of benefits paid for through
your Social
Security taxes: Retirement, Disability, Family benefits, -- Survivors,
and Medicare. (SSI benefits, which are not financed by Social Security
taxes, In Australia we have Unemployment etc all here
How is the US system different to Australia?
True a social security system should provide food, clothing,
shelter and basic health care; but it should not be providing
cigarettes, alcohol, illicit drugs, designer label clothing, or
elective surgery (for cosmetic reasons alone). It should
also only be provide whilst people are UNABLE for reasons
beyond themselves to care for themselves.
The problems today are that many feel that social security
should provide all the comforts of society as well as the
neccessities and that it should be available when they
choose not to care for themselves. That is where the
current systemi s at fault and where most people complain
about the bludgers.
In my community we have a number of people who are
always whinging about not being able to get a job, but
they turn up for interview in dirty clothing and unbathed
because they know they will not be employed. We also have
many businesses screaming for people to fill vacancies.
Why do we have unemployed people and unfilled vacancies
becasue the unemployed cannot be made to take any
employment for which they are capable of filling, they
are only given the choice of taking the job. well that
should change and hopefully it will, then we should see
a large reduction in unemployment.
But we only have 5% Unemployment in Australia and no poor people really
thanks to our Social Security system.
Which is available to all unemployed people by Law
Isnt that a Good Thing ?
Plus a Rent Subsidy and Cheap Bus and Train travel