A reply to
I cant understand how Americans can survive without a decent Social
Security System
from tsiya at
Who says
How can anyone in the USA speak of an unemployment rate while people
stumble across the desert by the millions, and get work almost
One of the requirements here, for drawing unemployment benefits, is to
show proof that you are actively seeking a job. Before I retired, I
could expect, several times a week, for someone to shuffle up, and ask,
"you don't need no help, do you"? Then, they would hold out the little
government form I was expected to fill out, to prove that they had
asked for a job.
Most of them, if asked what they can do, turn out to have a bad back,
can't lift more than 10 pounds, or a bad knee, can't stand for long, or
walk very far, or maybe a bad back, bad knees, and hemmroids. Maybe
some of them actually do, but the biggest problem many of them have is
a lack of guts and pride.
I draw social security, and feel no shame, but I worked from the age of
15, for 45 years, took asprin for the pain, kept my moaning to myself,
dragged my tired butt out in the morning, and did what needed to be
done. Excuse me, if I reserve my pity, for those who honestly deserve