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Old September 7th 05, 04:32 AM
Tom Ring
Posts: n/a

Rick Scott wrote:

My old Cushcraft A3 is more than likely due for a take down and
refurbish. Ive not really touched it in a long time and have never
opened the traps. 15m is suffering so I may have a bad trap.

So, I did a net search and not too many have posted how its done.
SOOOO, with that I come hat in hand for hints/tips etc from those that
have went there.

Scotty N7HJ

And one other easy thing that definately helps on VHF/UHF, is cleaning
the aluminum elements. I use scotchbrite pads with aluminum cleaner.
As I remember Brasso maight be a substitute. Someone correct me if I'm
wrong there. If the cleaners aren't available, just the pads plus light
detergent followed by a good rinse will do a lot to clean up the skin of
the element.
