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Old September 7th 05, 02:25 AM
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From: Frank Gilliland on Sep 6, 3:39 pm

On 6 Sep 2005 15:02:20 -0700, wrote in
K4YZ wrote:

For the last eight days I've been involved in mobile intensive
care transports of critical patients from Southern Mississippi and
Southeastern Louisiana. I was on four ground transports and four air

You know, Steve, I recall some #1 A-holes on this group calling in to
question my service in Somalia, doubting my even being there, and
demanding proof.

[Yea, verily, Brian...all that be archived in Google. :-) ]

And as much as I'd like to give you the same $hit that you gave me, I'm
not going to do it. I'm not going to ask you for your medical
credentials to be there. I'm not going to ask you to post your travel
vouchers proving you were there. I'm not going to ask you to post the
names of people who saw you there to verify that you were there. I'm
not going to mention that I never saw you on the CNN or Fox News that
you ask us to witness. I'm not going to do it because I'm a bigger man
than you have been.

Instead I'm going to thank you for your service as a medical
professional in our time of need. I'm even going to invite you to
continue this period of goodwill and grace by continuing by being a
bigger man than you have in the recent past. Good luck to you, best
wishes, and thank you.

You've been suckered.

Lots of us readers know that already, Frank. :-)

In case you haven't noticed, "Steve" is prone to fabrications.

Yessir! EMOTIONAL fabrications. He's keyed to anything
emotional, seems to live for that.

The -real- reason he was gone was probably because he
went camping with his mommy and daddy during the Memorial Day weekend.

According to Dudly (whoever he really is), his father passed
away some years ago of a heart attack. Posted in here very
emotionally and upset. Dudly has never mentioned his mother
that I can recall.

If you have any doubts, just look at what he wrote: "....the Feeble
Five have just ceased to have any substance for me. They are just too
petty." Then look how he jumps right back into flame wars with the
same people. What a hypocrite.

Dudly USES the "emotional ploy" thing as misdirection so that
he can do the flamethrower thing at others. When others
complain he jumps back to the emotional story thing and berates
them even more AS IF they were responding to the emotional story.

Dudly has had NO "humbling experience." He doesn't KNOW how to
be humble.

If he really had a life-changing experience and want's anyone to
believe his newest stories, it might help if he comes clean about his
claims about his military service and "seven hostile actions". But
until that happens he doesn't have any credibility at all.

He won't. He can't.

I'm just going to challenge Dudly (whoever he really is) to POST
some kind of PROOF of his latest "humbling epiphany." Something
OTHER than his usual flamethrowing-at-others-for-not-believing-him

He could have used more correct terms such as "ten-klick-stare"
instead of the "thousand-yard" one (of Vietnam War origin) he

Dudly COULD have been on SOME transports, but the "count" and
"type" are irrelevant. He never said EXACTLY what he did ON
them, which is the usual general, vague description he has
used in the past postings of his claims.

"Transport" is a generic term for any sort of vehicle. A ground
ambulance is a "transport." So is a medevac helo and even a
hospital ship. Dudly could have been doing his claimed ordinary
ambulance duty, thus his use of "transport" would be vaguely and
generally "correct." A spaceship is a "transport" in the same
general way. :-)

Dudly ain't got no PROOF. All we can be sure of is that Dudly
is gonna pitch another hissy-fit and cuss out all his detractors
for "not believing him." We can take that to the bank. :-)

As much as it goes against my better judgement, I'm still going to give
Steve the stage to show how the past week has changed his life. It is
up to him to fly or flop, and I won't predict which he'll do. It's up
to him.