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Old July 4th 04, 03:50 AM
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Default need info on RT-657/TLQ-15 military tranceiver

Hi Gang,
Picked up an interesting military tranceiver this morning at a radio swap.
Its all solid state, but weighs a ton, and runs off of 115 VAC, 400 Hz
(its a pseudo-boatanchor). Its an RT-657/TLQ-15, and I've been able
to find out very little on the www. The TLQ-15 is apparently a
set, but thats about all I can find.

With a bit of creative hacking, I was able to power it up. It is an all mode
(AM, FM, CW, USB, LSB, and some digital modes) tranceiver that
covers 1.5 - 20.5 MHz, continuously tunable (LED display). Based on the
power transformer ratings and the output transistors, I'd guess it'll
put out about 100+ watts.

Anyway, there are a LOT of BNC connectors, and a couple of other big
connectors on the back panel. Sure would be nice to know what they
go to! If anyone out there has one of these beasties, and knows anything
about them, I'd sure like to hear from you. A couple of folks at the
said its a spy radio....not sure about that, but it was probably used in an
