I Told You So (BPL)...
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July 6th 04, 09:06 AM
Roger Halstead
Posts: n/a
On 4 Jul 2004 19:12:06 -0700,
(Mark) wrote:
He wanted to be taken seriously? I thought it was a joke (silencing people
in the name of free speech).
Why would that be a joke? Silencing those who threaten free speech?
Do people really believe that they just pulled sw frequencies out of a
hat? Oh well, let's just see how the power companies will want to
stand behind & push BPL if there is another 9/11 or WHEN other natural
You do realize they and the TSA are touting BPL in the name of
security don't you? That was in the papers a few weeks back.
Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair)
or man-made disasters strike & emergency communications becomes the
real joke.
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