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Old July 7th 04, 03:16 AM
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On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:47:08 UTC, "Ron Lawrence"

I've set a web page with several radio collecting survey questions.
If you'd like to take part in this informal survey
just visit the CC-AWA web page at;
About the middle of the page you'll find a long white button that
will take you to our survey page.
This will be a ongoing survey, so check back often to see how
the results change.
If you have an idea for another survey question, let me know.


Antique Radio Collector & Historian

I have some SB-303's but they are still not at exhibition, museum

I'm guessing that the prices will rise over the next 5, 10
years and if a boatanchor radio shows up on that Antiques
Roadshow, next to the weird ceramics, the junque furniture, the
wooden chicken (an actual $1000+ item last night with a
cracked foot.), then we'll see boatanchors vanish from the

Lemme see, a wooden chicken is $1,000, a ceramic vase that
looks like a oak tree with an owl AND a squirrel is over $1000
and a 40+ year old, nice looking, working Collins KWM-2 is $600???

Of course, another mystery is why KWM-2's sell on eBay for less
than SX-100's.

==== Lemme do my Antique Roadshow patter: ==

"It has the Hallicrafters logo on the front. We turn it over.
WOW, it has the original rubber feet!

You almost never see feet in this condition. The tubes are
all marked "Hallicrafters". -sigh- and there, there is the
actual two wire line cord.

All the knobs are original. -gosh- and there's just the
slightest chip in this one. Still though, these are highly

What do you think it's worth?

the owner shrugs

At a well publicized auction or in my gallery, -sigh- At least
$18,000 for the SX-110"

the owner squeals Well Goolll-leeee. That's more money than
I've ever seen.

============== End Antique Roadshow ==

de ah6gi/4 What? Trade an SX-100 for a wooden chicken, OK, the
wooden chicken and the ceramic tree trunk vase with the owl AND
the squirrel.

Seriously, given the choice between a wooden chicken, a tree trunk
vase and an SX-100, is there anyone here who would pick the chicken
and tree trunk.

Even knowing that SX-100's go for between $300 and $1100 on eBay and
expert appraisers on the Antiques Roadshow say that the chicken and
the tree trunk are both well over $1000 EACH, wouldn't you grab for
the SX-100????

Doesn't this suggest that an SX-100 should be more expensive?