"iz2eju" wrote in message

Hi ! My overall rate is about 21 % (1032/4871). The DX QSLing is surely
higher, I usually send SAE and IRCs or GS, but can not give a figure, I
think about 75% (thanks also to your advices on your website !). There are
some DX stations that don't answer, or countries with poor post service,
I think that DX QSLing is surely easyer than "normal" or obvious QSL. I
now 225 countries, but I am still waiting for some QSL via bureau from
Belarus or Slovakia...
Anyway, I love paper QSL, yes I know that LOTW and eQSL may be cheaper and
easyer, but I love the touch of the paper, I also loove books and I don't
like electronic books, I have many books on CD but I prefer to touch the
paper HI !
So I will go on with paper QSLs !
73 from Rik IZ2EJU
OK OMs, many thanks for all your comments.
That will be useful.
My opinions are listed in this article
Your comments will be merged soon.
Thierry, ON4SKY