Thread: Four long days
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Old September 9th 05, 01:42 AM
Posts: n/a

The Magnum wrote:

One thing suprises me though. Why was New Orleans built on land that was
under sea level?? Did no-one stop to think maybe it wasnt the best place
build a sprawling city... The size the USA is surely there were much


sensible places to build on. The land could have possibly been used for
farming or the like, where a natural"ish" disaster like this wouldnt


had the devistating effect it has.. maybe theres a reason im not aware


but would love to know the reason why...

Still as they say, hindsight is a very handy tool

New Orleans was not built below sea level. Over the years, due to
subsidence, it sank below sea level. Many other major cities around the
world are now in the same or very similar situations. When you pump water
and hydrocarbons from beneath you, what do you expect to happen? Duh!

I fail to see where the Duh comes from. You think it was a silly question? I
asked to find out why as i dont know. So your saying New Orleans has pumping
stations sucking out natural resources from beneath the city are you? I
havnt a clue as i dont live there so i ask the question as we have been told
on numerous occasions from the News that NO is below sea level.
Besides which i thought, and i maybe wrong, that when oil was pumped out of
the wells in the oil fields its replaced by sea water not just left empty.
Also id find it absolutely amazing if a city the size of NO has suddenly
sunk over the past 100 yrs or so with the theory you propose. Or are you one
of these people who go on about the ozone layer and we'll all be underwater
in the next 200 yrs as the ice caps will melt due to global warming.....
What a load of old b$%%$cks that is. I do agree though that we need to find
new sources of energy as our natural supplies can only last a finite time
before anyone chucks that comment in.

its amazing that people dont realize what hydrocarbons and other
chemicals are doing to the atmosphere. the industrial revolution in the
uk caused cities (birmingham for example) to become black with soot.
since then how many millions of tons of particulates have been expended
and people believe it has no effect? the adirondack park north of me has
many lakes devoid of fish due to the acid rain from the midwest coal
firing plants. c'mon graham, fossil fuels like the iron maiden will come
and go. good riddance.