On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 10:56:19 -0700, Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Hello Steveo:
I am not real impressed with the short ground plane radials I have seen
advertised for the I Max 2000.
I think 3 or 4 each 96 inch Francis Amazer Fiberglass Whip Antennas
would be a good ground plane radial kit. Not the shorter ones I have
seen advertised.
Jay, what if the radials are coiled? At the correct length?
The antenna does very well from 10-15 meters. I get only a 1.8:1 on 15 meters
with 10% reflected power. On 17 meters, the SWR is 3.0:1, 25% relected power.
Yet with my tuner tunes very easily on 17 meters, and I made a contact in
Switzerland. Forget 20 meters.
Vinnie S.