FS: ***Hallicrafters,National,Heathkit,and Swan***
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July 9th 04, 04:12 PM
Posts: n/a
(KF6IKC) wrote in message . com...
(KF6IKC) wrote in message . com...
******Both Hallicrafters and the Swan have been SOLD.******
The 183D has been SOLD.
Hello to all. I have for sale the following items. Prices are PLUS
shipping from 96002 or can be picked up in Redding,Ca.
Hallicrafters: both are untested.
S-20R in good shape. Needs to be cleaned up (dusty). Dial "glass" Is
warped a little. Price is $60.00
S-40B Looks pretty good. STP sticker on side of cab. Dusty. $45.00
National NC-183D with matching speaker. Very nice cond. Should clean
up nice. $300.00
Swan 500CX and 117CX P/S. Looks like it was never used. In original
boxes with original manual. $300.00
Heathkit SB-104 set up. Matching P/S,and station consel with
wattmeter,phonepatch,and clock. Very nice cond. Tested for output and
shows a little of 100 watts. $375.00
I can emial pics. Please respond to me at
THE LIST. I do not read very often so it is a good chance I will not
see it if you do.
Take care,Stan (530)224-1136
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