Four long days
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September 10th 05, 11:06 AM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a
"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message
(The Magnum)
When New Orleans was "established" it
wasn't below sea level. A
lot of the present day city was built below sea
level. Some engineer had the bright idea of
pumping it out to extend the size of the city.
Yes, New Orleans has sunk over the past 100
or so years, along with the levees.
Check out this USGS document:
(I see this as a college student type document to try to explain what
might happen with predicted change in patterns caused by global warming
etc. Ive seen all sorts of "expert" predictions and possible results
many times and they all seemed to have valid background theory but in
reality.. like most things on paper looked good but with no REAL SOLID
proof figures, statistics and charts can be made to say anything. The
figure of 9mm subsidence per year equates to 90cm over 100 years, or
3ft. )
I concur with the above poster regarding the provided text. Glaciers
melt faster than that.
Looking on a few sites so far i have concluded that the original part of NO
was built above sea level whereas as it was expanded they drained out the
water after building levies so it was under sea level when built.. It
averages between 12ft above to a couple of feet below on the whole.. unless
the site i was looking at was wrong.
The thing is that studies into possible future events are just that..
studies to what might happen, often depicting the worst case scenario. You
should have seen the" Cable and Wireless experts" carefully worked out
growth of the internet. The one that made them decide to drop Hong Kong
Telecom and go with an offshore net provider... the shares were at £15 each
and after the net crash in growth (although it is rising but nothing like
these "experts" predictions) they are now worth around £1.50. So much for
the experts growth predictions there... and this was a global thing.
Governments do all kinds of surveys and projections to how things might go
and a lot of them its a great way to raise revenues whereas no one knows the
real possible outcome until it happens and then of coure its too late. Its
like the Asian Bird flu and Mad cow disease. Only a very few people have
died of so called related symptoms. Like in the 70's for us it was Rabies
coming across from europe. How many people have died from rabies?? Now
compair those figures with people who have died with drink related problems
or cancer through smoking... yet theres nothing really done to stop these
things because its a huge money maker in taxes for the government. They put
up taxes saying its to persuede many of us to give up as its too expensive..
what a load of cobblers... they put the tax there because they know they can
make a mint out of it, like alcohol tax, even car tax. They sneakily shoved
an extra £5 on it per 6 months saying it was to help out with greenhouse
gasses... complete lies.
I live on the east coast of the UK and from when i was a kid the sea level
hasnt risen at all. Surely it would have as its the North sea and were
talking about 40 years.. some predictions ive seen say it could happen in
our lifetime... yea right...
Has anyone actually stopped to consider the hole in the Ozone layer is
actually naturally occuring and if it wasnt there we would be all stifled? A
lot of the different weather conditions people are saying "it was never like
this when i was a lad" are probably forgetting what it was really like.
On the odd occasion things are going to combine to cause "freak" conditions
which do look bad. In 1953 my town was flooded and people lost their lives..
they said then it was caused by the rising sea and glaciers melting so on...
it wasnt.. it was caused by tidal conditions caused by a high moon and a
storm which hapened at the same time. Its never flooded since...
Anyways... dont be alarmed and sleep well tonight
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