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Old September 12th 05, 06:11 PM
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nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

don't count on Stevie for action he was going to get arested 7 years
ago, and comitted to a mental institution

I was going to get arrested? I don't think so.

Yes you claimed you were going to get me arrested, you were lying of
course but you cliamed it

That's not what your "sentence" stated in the ini9tial post,

you also claimed you were going to get mental health to comit about a
month ago

No, I did not.

I stated I would file a complain and report. I did.

You talk a good game but when it comes to action you are always MIA

Nope. Ask Toiddie.

Indeed you are more offended by me than the "Childraper" poster showing
that you are truly sick you will tolerate Child rape but not what you
call lying

First of all I long ago blew off the silliness of the Lloyd,
Wiseman, et al group. I no more believe any of them to be a "child
raper" than I believe you to be a Colonel in the Army.

Second of all, most of what you do IS lying, and we even have YOUR
acknowledgement of your mistruthfulness and deceit to back it up.

Steve, K4YZ