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September 12th 05, 08:45 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
G'day from downunder AUSTRALIA, all ya
guys in the USA need to clean ya ears out
cause we hear ya all fine here nearly each
We hear ya' down under, mate!
i have a 5 element yagi in that direction and
400 watts ... and can't seem to make to many
contacts other then the good old HAWAIIANS
ISLANDS, you all rum to much power or have
to much noise or no ears LOL ! ...... but i will
still try 6 am
take it easy and have a G'day
..... 01 downunder.
6 AM is for the biggest of the big and the loudest of the loud. Try a
SSB channel, like 38 lower sideband. Bet ya' have way more luck with
your contacts.
3's from Tampa Bay, Florida.
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