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Old September 13th 05, 12:56 PM
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On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:45:45 -0400, Steven Fritts

Hi all,

I am thinking of building a full wave loop for 17 meter ham band. What
I plan to do is to build a cross shaped form...then run wire approx
12.7 ft on each side....then hang the antenna vertically from a tree
or mount it on a support 30-40 ft up with the V point of the antenna
straight up with the other "V" point straight down. In other words the
antenna will look like a diamond hanging vertically in the air. If I
feed the antenna at the bottom V with ladder line, one lead on each
leg, how will this antenna perform? The antenna wire wil be seperated
at the bottom point-not tied together. Will it have any gain? I am
sure there will be directivity broadside to the antenna.Thanks for any

Steve W4SEF

Hi Steve,

The clssic Quad loop is a good single band antenna , you could feed it
with coax as well. (75 ohm) The impeadence is about 125 ohoms. It will
have on the order of about 1 to 3 db of gain over a dipole
bi-directional. but that is not much and you won't notice a lot of
difference , some claim the loop is much quiter on Rx and that has been
the experience here. If your thought is to use it on multiple bands the
vertical loop is a poor choice for that application.. but it's a good
single band antenna.
you may want to look over the material on Cebik web page at

In any event have fun and experiment.
73 Dave KC1DI

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