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Old September 13th 05, 10:51 PM
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Way too high brow for this crowd Bob.


"Morris" wrote in message
Sifting through prior posts, I found one relevant and worthy of
reposting. Where some hams are raising K1MAN's pyschology, what better
commentary can we have than from Glenn's Wife, Bonny, which Glenn
himself published?

The following was posted on January 21, 2003. It is reposted with one
caveat: The Logan Act is raised when, better, The Patriot Act should be
"Answering W4ASX editorials, today Baxter fired back. (In the
attachment which follows) we learn that he equates himself to Bill
Gates and Ted Turner, that people in Dayton ask for his autograph,
that AARU is a registered trademark and that had 64,582
hits during the month of December. But more to the point: 'My wife
Bonnie says I am a narcissist.'

Bonnie is on the money. DSM, the internationally accepted manual of
mental disorders, defines narcissism as 'An all-pervasive pattern of
grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration or adulation
and lack of empathy, usually beginning by early adulthood and present
in variety of contexts.'

We all have characteristics that track DSM, but the difference between
an order and disorder is dysfunction. If the characteristics give rise
to a 'presenting problem, then the person is said to have a disorder.

Quite simply, the issue comes down to whether Glenn's narcissism is all
pervasive, invading, penetrating, and molding every aspect, nook, and
cranny of the personality, which is, granted, a subjective judgment.

The moment I witnessed the forays into foreign policy in Bougainville,
I thought that line had been crossed. And now listening to Sam and
Glenn talk about operations in Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Somalia, I know
they've entered forbidden territory.

Their activity violates the Logan Act, which prevents private citizens
from conducting foreign policy. Glenn's response: 'And we have done
some wild things around the world over the years. But in violation of
the Logan Act? Come on Bob, who is deluded now?' In fact, Glenn
embraces some of the same people we, worried about homeland security,
oppose. Shouldn't a responsible leader be open, in the very least, to
the possibility of adverse consequences?

As Brian, K3VR, who has compiled an amazing dossier on Baxter
operations in the arena of foreign policy, writes: 'Whether he is ill,
naive, stupid, or a bona-fide spy, won't matter one iota to the
agencies who have questions about his actions. They will want
satisfactory answers to significant questions.' Our security demands no

As to his respected Wife's assessment of narcissistic mental state,
Baxter drops one more hint in the attachment. "Anyway, I sent Bob the
$25 and he said he never got it. It did not come back so, being
paranoid, I figured Bob was stiffing me." Unbelievable, this after the
closest working relationship where I had proved my honesty time and
again. Characteristic of Baxter, he does not disclose in the attachment
(identification of check, i.e. date and number), leaving, for the
readers, that cloud of suspicion remaining, a classic Baxter tactic.

DSM identifies the narcissist as 'interpersonally exploitive,
i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends.' It gives us closeup
insight into his apparent view of himself: of the omnipotent,
worldwide, IARN Network with offices girding the globe engaged in
missions befitting Mother Teresa, his views sought out by leaders of
the free and non-free worlds as well as important media, such as the
Wall Street Journal and major TV Networks.

We are left with an impression of grandeur, when, in fact, this is but
one person, Glenn Baxter, and his Radio Shack recorder on timers and a
loop. We would be less than honest if we didn't acknowledge a certain
value in the production and distribution of such a bulletin.

To read the DSM criteria for narcissistic disorder is to gain full
insight into Baxter. Having 5 of the following qualifies him: 1)
Feels grandiose and self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and
talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior
without commensurate achievements), 2) Is obsessed with fantasies of
unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequaled
brilliance ..., 3) Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being
special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or
associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or
institutions), 4) Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention
and affirmation -- or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be
notorious narcissistic supply), 5) Feels entitled. Expects
unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. Demands
automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations, 6)
'interpersonally exploitive' ..., 7) Devoid of empathy. Is unable or
unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of
others, 8) Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the
same way about him or her, and 9) Arrogant, haughty behaviors or
attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, addicted, or confronted."

Quoting Baxter: "He (meaning me) has been on Prozac for several years
now and recently a mood regulator as well ... . While apparently
making him happier, I now find Bob to be a different functioning human
being with regard to his great intellectual abilities."

"For sure, Glenn; thanks for the kudos. Depakote, a mood regulator,
prevents those leaps into grandiosity, bad judgment, irritable
episodes, pressured speech. The intellect remains, albeit, for more
productive pursuits. There isn't a person in my inner circle,
including myself, who has failed to notice a vast change for the
better. For some, Depakote (makes) miracle(s).

Consider it Glenn. Just a bit of harmless Depakote can make you the
achiever you've only imagined thus far.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX"