This thread reminds me of a conversation I overheard in a Radio Shack store
many years ago.
Salesman, trying to sell customer a Micronta sliderule: "See, if you want
to multiply 2 by 2, you put this 1 here on this slider over the 2 down here
and move this window thing so this line here is on the 2 over here. Then
the answer is down here, see, 2 times 2 equals, hmmm, about 3.95.
"Miles O'Neal" wrote in message

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 02:59:52 +0000, mark wrote:
I don't understand this attitude towards RS at all. If you don't like
don't buy from them. You now have a zillion alternatives right through
Hmmm... What's that they say in all their ads?
"You have questions? We have answers." Oddly
enough, if your question is even the least bit
technical, their answer is either "I don't know",
or it's bogus.
Every once in a while they screw up and hire folks
who understand electronics. But IME, not too
often. And heir selection is *abysmal* - and
getting worse.
Granted, the hobbyist market is down. But I contend
that RS helped destro it.