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September 13th 05, 11:38 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
"Kevin, WB5RUE" wrote in message
This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not so much an indictment of the
government action and/or inaction but an indictment on the liberal "war
on poverty." The city of New Orleans has a Democrat leader, the State of
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. The war on poverty is a total
failure in the state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. No? Then
why are there so many "poor" in New Orleans (70% below "poverty level)?
It certainly isn't from "Republican obstructionism" because all of the
leaders are Democrats. It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the
Democratic party. Democrats get their glory from counting the number of
people they are helping. Republicans get their glory from the number of
Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food stamps...) and he'll eat for
a day (and come back for more tomorrow, vote for you on election day and
teach his children the tricks of the trade).
Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him a meaningful job, teach
him accountability) and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to
his children
No ones disagreeing with you.
Many disagree with him. The facts support it,,take a look at the new
Bush favorability and approval ratings that came out today.....many of
these polls were done by the same pollsters who the right was heralding
when his approval rating was higher,,,like when he whored out Jessica
Lynch to the media and world with made-up lies (read her book) in order
to whip the country into a false sense of patriotic fervor. This was
clearly a man using an innocent nineteen year old female soldier who
suffered in ways most of us will never know (Thank God) for his own
political gain.
But still we wonder if the problem was in, say
hollywood, or some other well off part of the
US you can bet your last dollar action in
rescue and help would have been a lot faster
Already been done. I can tell you from first hand experience that his
brother Jeb had help out and around in Florida not long after the eye of
the storm passed. Ditto for every single hurricane this state has seen.
Even with Andrew, officials took the bull by the horn and were on the
streets the same day.
Thenagain, republican or democrat should
make no difference in times like these.
Exactly,,,,but mistakes were made and accountability needs implemented.
Once again, people dies needlessly because of poor federal response and
I dont think the scale of the disaster was
realised in the first couple of days or if it was,
it went un-reported to the top.
Exactly. Another breakdown and failure in the communication chain of
command in the Bush admin. All they had to do was turn on TV from day
one. Brown himself was clueless for 24 hours and didnt even know the
convention center held over 25,000 people until almost a day and half
later. Mass failure.
Back to the lower end or poverty class. A lot of
these people prefer to take the fish than to
learn how to fish themselves. In a lot of cases,
even in the UK the help is there but its easier
to take the fish. A man with the desire to learn
to fish can and will and would need no
encoragement but maybe a little direction. You
can only show the way, you cant force people,
its un-democratic and against their human
rights they will bleat at you.
Like those in Iraq who refuse to come to an agreement? You know who I
speak of,,the majority,,,you know,,,the Sunnis, Shiites.
I think the whole
welfare system stinks. Its supposed to be
there to help those who cant help themselves
not those who dont give two hoots..
Already reports have surfaced in Buckhead-Atlanta area of some of those
federal disaster debit cards being used to buy stuff at expensive
designer clothing boutiques. Yup,,,this admin really knows what they're
doing. Never mind that the federal budget, already a mess pre-Katrina,
is now an incredible funny joke on paper. Can you say tax cuts and
intangible tax relief that affect only two percent of the wealthiest?
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