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Old August 12th 04, 05:11 AM
Posts: n/a

In MHO, radio shack should have gone out of business years ago!
I use to know 3 people that worked in different stores.
All of them said basically the same thing. The equipment is nice looking but the
insides are substandard and the parts
(if they have them) are only experimenters quality. I once asked for a replacement
rod type pull up antenna. The guy looked at me and went DUH. Then I said and
motioned, silver antenna, pull up, usually on many radios. He replied, we don't
have anything like that. I went in the back and found a very large choice of 3
types. I brought him one and he said, "oh, is that what you wanted"? I put it back
on the rack because it was the wrong one I needed, of course. DUH!
Where have all the REAL electronic stores gone?? :-(

Sam Byrams wrote:

Anyone with the merest knowledge of DC Electrical Fundamentals can go
into about any Radio Shack company store and be in a position to
tech-slam the employees. Radio Shack has pursued a policy of not
hiring electronics people for decades, they have remained to the small
extent that they are in the electronic parts, tools, books, and 'test
equipment'for image purposes and I have been repeatedly told as much
by Radio Shack management.

Radio Shack is a cancer on the ass of all electronics hobbies and all
electronics professionals, what few remain.

They should be stripped of their image by persistently and
consistently reminding the technically less knowledgeable that "real
nerds won't set a foot in there". Radio Shack's death would be a good
thing IMO.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Putting MM on the dime would serve a lot of purposes. It would
displace the devious FDR, send a signal to the Islamist world, make
the currency more attractive, and be a thorn in the ass to the Kennedy
Family, to name four good ones.