Thread: Superstar radio
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Old September 14th 05, 08:17 PM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a

"jim" wrote in message
The Magnum wrote:


*Sorry about the typo, I meant "I was always under the impression"

Onder is Dutch for under, are you sure your british?

It was a typo immediately corrected after noticing it.. now answer the
question.. besides which who said i was British... i could quite easily


Australian bruce..

Whats Australian bruce?

My didgeridoo is Australian ;o)

Anyone know the definitive to my question please?

Its amazing Graham that you come on this board asking a tech question
after beating the hell out of american society past and present and
expect an answer. yes I realize its an international ng but it is
dominated by us yanks. regards...

One sec Jim, I never beat the hell out of anything.. I replied to postings
that were aimed at me as truthfully and constructively as I could. I never
got into name calling and "Yankie" bashing in any way and neither would I.
Yet there were plenty of people replying to postings on the aforementioned
thread who delighted in insulting the UK and me personally. If you go back
and read my postings I believe them to be reaonable and constructive. Im not
into namecalling or belittling people but I will reply to anything said
about me or to me in the same tense as it was used to me. Im sure you would
do the same.
As far as this NG being dominated by Americans i cant see the problem? Its
an open forum to discuss CB related issues and the question I ask is a
genuine question I would like to know the answer to.
Im under the impression that the Superstar 360 and the superstar 360FM are
slightly different chassis radio's. The American version being the 879 board
and the UK/european board being the 010. I might be wrong this is why i'm
asking, and im hoping for someone who has the info to tell me so I can go
away better informed. Are there two types of this radio or.. like the cobra
148GTL DX.. is there a Mk1 and Mk2 version?
Or are you saying anyone other than American radio enthusiasts are the only
people welcome here?