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Old September 15th 05, 02:25 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a


Mike, the computers that I give to kids are equipped with GWBASIC and a
Microft C Compiler, so that they can acquire basic programming skills.
No Internet access, no games, simply things that will help them in
their later life.

Harry C.

The groups dealing with kids around here tell me that they have to
have to have internet access for their school work. They asked for more
than I can deliver, so I turned my efforts elsewhere, and left the other
groups to help the kids. They already have every computer store in the
area giving them everything, leaving nothing for others who need
computers. My efforts are limited to an occasional mention in a weekly
"Bulletin Board" column in the local news paper, and what Vets helping
Vets has dropped off at their office.

My church is trying to raise the money to buy and set up a used
double wide portable classroom to teach free computer classes after
school. The people giving computers to kids do just that, and walk
away. The classes will start with the basics, then cover safe browsing.
Classes for the kids will be right after school, and another session for
adults in the evenings. Our recent work to help relocate refugees from
Mississippi to this area have set the project back quite a bit, but it
will happen.

A smaller computer repair course will be offered to selected students
who show an interest. It will be four hours a day on Saturday mornings
to make sure they really want to take the course. I hope to take most
of them to the point that they can pass the A+ certification at the end
of the course.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida