Frank Dresser wrote:
"Mazur" wrote in message
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the reply. I did test the local oscilator and it seems to
be working fine. I could clearly hear a dead carrier at the frequency
range you mentioned.
No, I was never able to hear the FM. Also in AM mode I can't detect
any FM station at all. I'll keep on looking.
]Is there any reception on the low VHF band? If the expected signals come
in there, it would indicate your IF sections are OK. In that case the mixer
circuit would be a good suspect.
Do you have the schematic? I think there's one online at the Boatanchor
Manual Archive. There's also a couple of regular vendors on ebay who sell
nice quality reproduction manuals.
Do you have a signal generator? As Peter suggested, that's the next step.
Frank Dresser
I can only offer a personal observation from many years ago (1964-ish)
when the SX-42 caps were still expected to be fresh. My Elmer lent me
(me=an 11-year old...they don't make Elmers like that anymore) his SX-42
to use over Xmas vacation. Of course I didn't hook up anything special
for a VHF antenna and all I got was a slight whisper from 3 of the 4 FM
stations in town. I kinda figured then that this radio was pretty deaf
up at that end of its range although the local paging system on about 35
Mc boomed thru.
I've never heard anything to the contrary.