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Old September 15th 05, 05:31 PM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a
Default Just curious about "David"

PowerHouse Communications wrote:

Does this individual contribute anything useful that is ON TOPIC to the
group? Just curious, as all I ever see are hundreds of "OT" posts by ?him?.
If all he ever contributes are these "OT" postings, then his posts are going
to be dumped in the kill-file.

No offence to him or anything, I'm sure what he posts is interesting to
some; I'd just prefer to view the on topic stuff myself... And don't bother
to write suggesting I filter out the "OT", as OE is "stupid", and will
filter out anything that contains those two characters in that series, so
it's not an option...

I kill filed him the first day on the group when I saw hundreds of
nonsense posts, right after subscribing to the newsgroup. With him and
a few others kill filed, I see a couple hundred headers to download when
I open this newsgroup and well over half disappear into the filters.
Sometimes over 80% of the messages are trapped, leaving only a few on
topic messages, and replies to those in the filters.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida